Wednesday, October 5, 2011


when we loose our keys we pray that we find them so we could get on our way. "please God let me find me keys so i can get to work"  After we find them we thank God.  "Thank you so much. Thank God!"
if we don't find them then we go to our back up plan.  either we have an extra set of keys or we could call in sick.  either way we are relieved that we can deal with that situation.

when we loose a loved one, we can pray for their soul. "please God take their soul in heaven and take care of them for us."  There is no relief weather they went to heaven or hell or even purgatory.  We also are left with an empty space where that person use to be.  It is a difficult time for everyone. 
Yes we hurt but we are being selfish!  God owns our souls and they are only going back to him.  We are made from the dust of the earth and we return back to the earth.

We should be rejoicing for them!  They finally get to go home.  Our time here on Earth is a short time and we should all understand it is borrowed time.  Make the most of it and love everyone in it! Please let the lost souls rest in peace with God by now worring about them or crying for them.